Customers are object nodes in the accounting tree to define a container for users. Each customer has a parent customer and is able to have multiple child customers.
GET Get list of customers
Request an array containing all customers in the platform
GET Get specified customer
Request an array containing one customer from the platform
POST Create customer
Create a new customer with the specified parameters in the platform
POST Update customer
Update an existing customer with the specified parameters in the platform
GET Get list of customers for the specified customer
Request an array of customers where the parent is the specified customer
GET Get list of users for the specified customer
Request an array of users where the customer is the specified customer
GET Get list of forwards for the specified customer
Request an array of forwards where the customer is the specified customer
GET Get list of domains for the specified customer
Request an array of domains where the customer is the specified customer
GET Get list of extensions for the specified customer
Request an array of extensions where the customer is the specified customer
GET Get list of tariffplans for the specified customer
Request an array of tariffplans where the customer is the specified customer
GET Get list of whitelists for the specified customer
Request an array of tariffplans where the customer is the specified customer
GET Get list of limits for the specified customer
Request an array of limits where the customer is the specified customer
GET Get list of destinations for the specified customer
Request an array of destinations where the customer is the specified customer
Users are unique identities for a customer. A user can be registrated on the platform and will be used for voice routing. A user is contained by a customer object and each customer object can contain any amount of users.
GET Get specified user
Request an array containing one user from the platform
POST Create user
Create a new user with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer
POST Update user
Update an existing user with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer
GET Get list of extensions for the specified user
Request an array of extensions where the user is the specified user
GET Get list of limits for the specified user
Request an array of limits where the user is the specified user
Discover and manage the various components in the platform.
GET Get specified destination
Request a specific destination from the platform
POST Create destination
Create a new SIP destination with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Update destination
Update an existing SIP destination with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Delete destination
Delete a specific destination from the platform
GET Get specified tariffplan
Request a specific tariffplan from the platform
GET Get specified domain
Request a specific domain from the platform
GET Get specified limit
Request a specific limit from the platform
POST Create limit
Create a new abuse limit with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Update limit
Update an existing abuse limit with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
GET Get specified whitelist
Request a specific whitelist from the platform
POST Create whitelist
Create a new whitelist with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Update whitelist
Update an existing whitelist with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Delete whitelist
Delete a specific whitelist from the platform
GET Get specified extension
Request a specific extension from the platform
POST Create extension
Create a new inbound or outbound extension in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Update extension
Update an existing inbound or outbound extension in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Delete extension
Request a specific extension from the platform
GET Get specified forward
Request a specific forward from the platform
POST Create forward
Create a new forward with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Update forward
Update an existing forward with the specified parameters in the platform for an existing customer or user
POST Delete forward
Delete a specific forward from the platform
The records section provides asynchronous access to the call detail records. Prepare a consumer to be used as a callback location before sending a request. When the request is accepted it will be processed in the processing queue. After processing the records will be sent to the consumer.
GET Get call detail records for all customers
Create a callback request to get call detail records for any customer from the platform
GET Get call detail records for the specified customer
Create a callback request to get call detail records for a specific customer from the platform